88 boulevard de Picpus - Paris 12è - 7j/7 de 10h à 19h - Tél. 01 43 46 35 32

Parisian workshop since 2011 - Discover, train and make

Posts Tagged: Object

Preparing the creation of a piece of furniture or any object

Do you have a project, or just an idea about a piece of furniture or a decorative object ?

Projet meuble Etablisienne ParisBefore you start manufacturing, we propose to review all the steps necessary for the success of your project during a meeting in particular of a half hour.

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Objects in pallet’s wood

P1070338Marie offers you a second pallet’s workshop to guide you this time through the achievement of  your own object in wooden palette. During those three hours you can make and leave with one of the objects specially designed by this young designer,

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