88 boulevard de Picpus - Paris 12è - 7j/7 de 10h à 19h - Tél. 01 43 46 35 32

Parisian workshop since 2011 - Discover, train and make

Posts Tagged: woodworking

Woodworking : cutting and assembly

Mortise and tenon, tongue, lamellos …? A practical course of 2h30

Découpe et assemblage à l'Etablisienne

Become familiar with the tools and actions needed to woodworking. The course, lasting 2 hours and an half. We will teach you to master the vocabulary and tools, you are a beginner or want to refine your knowledge.

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Practical – Cutting and assembly 2

Come to practice

Assemblage-Bois_Atelier-Location-Cours-Stage-Menuiserie-DIY-Outils_L'Etablisienne-ParisYou have discovered the different techniques of cutting and joining wood at a first workshop. Come to practice by conducting A to Z of an object from plans supplied and pre-cut materials.

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Woodworking : The router

A usefull tool

Stage défonceuse Etablisienne ParisPortable electric machine not well known but used in carpentry, cabinet making, violin making, and in many woodworking, it allows a multitude of operations.

Come discover the router during this 2-hour workshop.

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Preparing the creation of a piece of furniture or any object

Do you have a project, or just an idea about a piece of furniture or a decorative object ?

Projet meuble Etablisienne ParisBefore you start manufacturing, we propose to review all the steps necessary for the success of your project during a meeting in particular of a half hour.

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Season woodworking workshop

Two weeks to make

Etablis Etablisienne Paris

You have a project for the manufacture of furniture or an object in wood :

We offer you, you are a beginner or not, to come and make it.

All steps necessary for the success of your project will be reviewed during this two weeks.

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